Saturday, September 5, 2015

FAUI and Scenes Sources 2013

FAUI and Scenes Sources 2013

As part of the Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation (FAUI) Project, collaborators in 35 countries have collected surveys of mayors and often council members and administrators using the same core items for over 10,000 local governments. Surveys include a range of items widely used in local politics literatures, such as  group activity of some 20 types of groups, responsiveness to each group, policy preferences of the mayor and council and citizens as assessed by the mayor and council members, relative emphasis on a list of some 31 policy strategies (contracting out, subsidizing various groups,  raising taxes, fees, across the board cutbacks, etc.--of the sort being discussed at the national level in the Eurozone about 2010-13), and more.  Surveys were conducted from the 1980s to present, sometimes in up to five waves. They are generally merged with local socio-economic, fiscal, and other characteristics for analysis.  Over 50 books and hundreds of papers use the data, books and survey questionnaires listed at   In recent years we have added data on neighborhoods, amenities, and scenes. We have pooled files that join international FAUI and Scenes data. To access the raw data, contact Terry Clark or Clemente Jesus Navarro Yanez <>.

For more:

Antonia Maria Ramirez, Clemente J. Navarro, Terry Nichols Clark, "Mayors and Local Governing Coalitions in Democratic Countries: A Cross-National Comparison.” Local Government Studies, 34, 2, 147-178, April 2008.   Download free:

TN Clark, Old and New Paradigms for Urban Research: Globalization and the Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation Project, “Featured Essay” in Urban Affairs Review, Vol 36, No. 1, September 2000, pp. 3- 45. 

"The International Mayor," summarizes key FAUI survey items from about 20 countries in TNClark editor, The City as an Entertainment MachineResearch in Urban Policy, Vol. 9, Oxford: JAI/Elsevier. 2004, 327 pp. A full copy of the (non-copyedited) MS can be downloaded free from

T.N. Clark and Vincent Hoffmann-Martinot, eds., The New Political Culture. Boulder: Westview, 1998. Adapted and with new chapters on other countries added in versions published in Spanish, French, Korean, Japanese, Chinese. Spanish and French proofs downloadable free at:  / Books

Step by step explanations of scenes construction and results of the Spanish project on scenes website in English and Spanish:

Clemente J. Navarro, ed., Las dimensiones culturales de la ciudad. Madrid: Los libros de la catarata, 2012. 206 pp.

Scenes: Social Context in an Age of Contingency. With Daniel Silver and Clemente J. Navarro. Social Forces, July 2010, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 2293-2324. 

Clemente J. Navarro and Terry N. Clark, “Cultural Policy In European Cities: The cultural agenda of mayors” (REUS-2011-0062) (2012), European Societies, DOI:10.1080/14616696.2012.726369. Free download:

Clemente J. Navarro and Terry N. Clark, “Culturas políticas locales. alcaldes y nueva Cultura política en perspectiva comparada.” Revista de ciencia política, volume 29 / no 3 / 2009 / pp. 799 – 813.

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University of Chicago

University of Chicago
Lawrence Rothfield, Dan Silver, Terry Nichols Clark